White paper ringcold

A better, smarter currency can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Ringcold RGC is a ERC-20 Token, decentralized currency that does not discriminate. Any individual or business can realize the advantages of digital money.


You can Go on Pancakeswap to get all RGC Tokens

Transaction system will never ask you for your wallet keys. Your funds will be securely held on a public listed blockchain within a uniquely created keyless smart contract.

Smart Contract RGC (copy-paste) : 0xf575a16361692eb6b40afec4f87a32051e7a0de1

we created smart environment in order to helps NGO's

We want to help fundrasing NGO’s who they fight against global warming and make pressure on world Governements. We need to wake up and change.


Discover our Animated NFT Collections on Opensea

In 2021 we have launched on Opensea few NFT Collectors and we’ll give 50% income for NGO’s and the rest goes to NFT web creators and marketing plan.


Beautiful, functional and nearly ready to launch

Timestamp server

Our trading system is very fast and secure in SSL

Reclaiming disk space

All website content is save everyday on cloud system

payment verification

When you trade on the Ringcold Exchange the KWC is verified by Payeer Corp. We don't have any access on your KWC.

Digital Assets

Digital assets on the exchange is moving every months and we can offer you news cryptos as we can.

Decentralized Finance

Defi is essential activated on Coinsbit Platform not yet on Ringcold Exchange

Tokenized ERC-20

Our token is compatible with Binance Smart Chain Wallet and Metamask and Coinsbit. You can add any tokens for free and trade it as you wish.

Importants few steps...


Ringcold was founded

We created Ringcold SA Swiss to help fundrasing NGO's


RGC Token was founded

Ringcold RGC Token was created in order to improve NGO's cashflow trought trading.


RGC has been launched on Coinsbit Exchange

Ringcold RGC has been listed on the 10th Crypto Exchange in the world : Coinsbit


Ringcold has launched own crypto exchange

Ringcold has been launched in Swiss own crypto exchange with ringcold-trading.org


NFT Collections launched

Ringcold got 3 NFT Collections on Opensea

Discover Ringcold in few words

Why ?

Every day, we are confronted with the harmful consequences of global warming, through newspapers from all over the world, which tell us about hurricanes, storms, temperature increase, air pollution, sea level rise… and this list is not exhaustive!

Unfortunately, little is being done to counter these effects, and the means allocated are insufficient.

The more time passes, the more our unique and beloved earth is in danger and close to the point of no return.

Through the creation of Ringcold, we wish to bring financial and human support to the different NGOs involved, without any economic or other conflict of interest.
We can’t procrastinate on saving our planet and nothing is more important.

Our main objective is to bring together people legitimately concerned about global warming, and to give them the opportunity to act in a concrete and direct way.

Several raindrops that come together can form an ocean!

The Ringcold currency has been designed to be a popular, transparent and accessible currency for all.

The Ringcold currency has been designed to be a popular, transparent and accessible currency for all.

How ?

  1. 1)  Develop a “green” cryptocurrency platform where you can safely exchange your different cryptocurrencies, in a secure way, with a minimum of gas emission and therefore a minimum of fees. A part of the transaction fees will be paid to NGOs or associations invested in the fight against global warming, and likely to have a real power in saving our planet. In the interest of absolute transparency, we will publish each month the amount paid to the chosen organizations. We are convinced that the crypto currency is the symbol of a revolution of mentalities throughout the world, and a chance of independence and freedom. Another world is possible…
However, our values are in total contradiction with the huge gas emissions emitted in crypto currency exchanges. That’s why we created Ringcold on the Ethereum blockchain, in order to limit this problem. The harmful effects of mining are unfortunately not zero, but remains the best solution today. Our RGC token is linked to the ERC 20 protocol. Finally, our goal will be to select “green” crypto-currencies on our platform. We are convinced that these are the only ones destined to last in time.  

  1. 2) Create the RINGCOLD foundation in Switzerland where concrete actions will be taken for climate preservation and ecological action. We are currently in advanced discussions with NGOs and associations for future partnerships, throughout Switzerland but also internationally.

Our plan through the Ringcold foundation is to bring direct help to different organizations fighting against global warming, while being in an absolute transparency. We will propose concrete projects in partnership with different environmental actors, on the foundation’s website, and we will publish the completeness of the accomplished missions. These projects will be financed by the funds collected on our exchange platform, and then on the value of the Ringocld token. Also, you will be able to make donations for a project that is important to you.

Efficiently - Green - Faster - Earth Care


1. Information published on ringcold-swiss.com

The website https://www.ringcold-swiss.com/ (referred to as the “Website”) provides information and material of a general nature. You are not authorized and nor should you rely on the Website for legal advice, business advice, or advice of any kind. You act at your own risk in reliance on the contents of the Website. Should you make a decision to act or not act you should contact a licensed attorney in the relevant jurisdiction in which you want or need help. In no way are the owners of, or contributors to, the Website responsible for the actions, decisions, or other behavior taken or not taken by you in reliance upon the Website.

2. Translations

The Website may contain translations of the English version of the content available on the Website. These translations are provided only as a convenience. In the event of any conflict between the English language version and the translated version, the English language version shall take precedence. If you notice any inconsistency, please report them on GitHub.

3. Risks related to the use of RGC Ringcold

The Website will not be responsible for any losses, damages or claims arising from events falling within the scope of the following five categories:

(1) Mistakes made by the user of any RGC-related software or service, e.g., forgotten passwords, payments sent to wrong RGC addresses, and accidental deletion of wallets.

(2) Software problems of the Website and/or any RGC-related software or service, e.g., corrupted wallet file, incorrectly constructed transactions, unsafe cryptographic libraries, malware affecting the Website and/or any RGC-related software or service.

(3) Technical failures in the hardware of the user of any RGC-related software or service, e.g., data loss due to a faulty or damaged storage device.

(4) Security problems experienced by the user of any RGC-related software or service, e.g., unauthorized access to users’ wallets and/or accounts.

(5) Actions or inactions of third parties and/or events experienced by third parties, e.g., bankruptcy of service providers, information security attacks on service providers, and fraud conducted by third parties.

4. Investment risks

The investment in RGC Ringcold can lead to loss of money over short or even long periods. The investors in Bitcoin should expect prices to have large range fluctuations. The information published on the Website cannot guarantee that the investors in RGC would not lose money.

5. Compliance with tax obligations

The users of the Website are solely responsible to determinate what, if any, taxes apply to their RGC transactions. The owners of, or contributors to, the Website are NOT responsible for determining the taxes that apply to RGC transactions.

6. The Website does not store, send, or receive RGC

The Website does not store, send or receive RGC. This is because RGC exist only by virtue of the ownership record maintained in the Ringcold network. Any transfer of title in RGC occurs within a decentralized RGC network, and not on the Website.

7. No warranties

The Website is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind regarding the Website and/or any content, data, materials and/or services provided on the Website.

8. Limitation of liability

Unless otherwise required by law, in no event shall the owners of, or contributors to, the Website be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of profits, or loss of data arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Website.

9. Arbitration

The user of the Website agrees to arbitrate any dispute arising from or in connection with the Website or this disclaimer, except for disputes related to copyrights, logos, trademarks, trade names, trade secrets or patents.

10. Last amendment

This disclaimer was amended for the last time on November 5th, 2022.